2nd 4 Out-of-Class Hrs.
Friday, Dec. 13th
Turn it in early if possible
All Art Classes:
This web page is intended to be for both students and parents. On it, you will find important information, including due dates and deadlines.
Start by clicking on the link above for your student's class. Follow the links on the page to find the information you're looking for.
If, after first looking on the Classes page, you have a question, click on the Contact link above (please read what to include before sending).
Information on each class I teach can be found on the CLASSES link at the top of the page.
Art Foundations 1
Intro to Ceramics
Ceramics 1
Drawing 1
Creative Writing
Students: Are you interested in receiving an A in your class? Click on the light bulb below to find out how.
Parents, to find out how you can help your student have a better chance of success, click on the pencil, below.
Dress Code
Students will need to familiarize themselves with the School-wide Dress Code, and it must be adhered to in my classroom. It will be enforced (discretely - I do not want to embarrass anyone). It is the student's responsibility to know what the dress code entails. There are posters around the school, and more detailed instructions can be found on the school handbook (near the end):
General Class Rules:
Learn them, you should.
Live them, you must.
Love them, you will.
1. Be Prompt
Be to class on time.
VHMS tardy policies will be enforced.
Turn your work in by the deadlines (try to turn work in early)
2. Be Polite
Respect others and their property.
Be kind, be considerate, and be helpful.
Follow the rules.
If it's not yours, don't touch it.
3. Be Prepared
Have required materials in class every day
Be prepared to work every day
Have completed work ready to turn in
Students, I expect you to come to class each day with everything that is needed and required. If you have finished all assignments to date, you are responsible to have something productive to do, such as:
reading a book
doing homework from another class
studying notes for quizzes or tests
Doodling, flipping through your planner, shuffling through your backpack, sleeping, staring off into space, wandering around the room, chatting, and being disruptive are NOT considered productive uses of class time.
Coming to class unprepared may result in a loss of participation points, which will affect your academic grade, and I will find something for you to do that will likely be less appealing to you. It could also affect your citizenship grade if it becomes a regular occurrence.
For a more detailed list of class rules, please click on the button, below.
Please check the class pages for very important deadlines.
Please, check the class pages for very important deadlines.
PLEASE! Check the class pages for very important deadlines!
Here is one of my favourite quotes
that all of us might do well to consider:
"If you don't have time to do it right,
when will you have time to do it over?"
- John Wooden