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Contact Me:

When you e-mail me, always include the following:

  • your full name (first and last)

  • your student's name if you are a parent

  • class (Ceramics, Creative Writing, etc.)

  • period (A2, B6, etc.)

Please look through this web site for answers to your questions first before e-mailing me.  Otherwise, feel free to send me any questions you have. I will respond as soon as I can.

If you are a student, and your question is not urgent, I may wait and just talk with you in class.  Please allow adequate time for me to grade and enter assignments before contacting me about them.

If you are a parent, and you hear of something that may have been said or done in my class  that you have questions about, please do me the courtesy of asking me about it before taking any additional steps.  There are times when an account is either incomplete or misunderstood.  I'd be happy to discuss any concerns you may have.

E-mail is the fastest, easiest, most efficient way to contact me.

Courtesy goes a LONG way.  Just sayin'.

And please note that I am legally obligated to correspond only with parent(s) of record.

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